Leading models of solar system formation hold that as the Sun gathered itself together out of a cloud of gas and dust, the leftovers settled into a vast disk that rotated around the newborn star and gradually flattened out.
In the early years of our solar system, dust grains collided and coalesced, and the seeds of asteroids, comets and planets were formed. The gravity of some of the more distant protoplanets attracted gas, and Jupiter and the other gas giants developed. These giant planets swept much of the dust disk clean. Most of the rest of the debris spiralled in and was swallowed by the Sun or was driven out of the solar system.
Asteroid Belt
Asteroids are primoridal objects left over from the formation of the Solar System. While some have suggested that they are the remains of a protoplanet that was destroyed in a massive collision long ago, the prevailing view is that asteroids are leftover rocky matter that never successfully coalesced into a planet. Most planetary astronomers still believe that the planets of the Solar System formed from a nebula of gas and dust that coalesced into a disk of dust grains around the developing Sun. Within the disk, tiny dust grains coagulated into larger and larger bodies called planetesimals, many of which eventually accreted into planets over a period as long as a 100 million years. However, beyond the orbit of Mars, gravitational interference from Jupiter's huge mass prevented protoplanetary bodies from growing larger than about 1,000 km (620 miles).
It has been estimated that the total mass of the Main Asteroid Belt may total less than 1/1000th of the mass of the Earth. Indeed, if all asteroids down to the size of meter- or yard-sized boulders or less were combined together, the resulting object would measure less than 1,300 to 1,500 km (810 to 930 miles) across, which is less than one third to one half the diameter of the Earth's Moon. The Main Asteroid Belt is only a small remnant of the material that once resided in the region between Mars and Jupiter, but once may have contained between two to 10 Earth masses of material. However, T-Tauri-type Solar winds from a very young Sun, gravitational perturbations from Jupiter developing nearby, and dynamic interactions with other large planetesimals and protoplanets during the first 100 million years, and continuing collisional grinding over the following 4.5 billion years after the formation of the planets, interfered with the formation of a substantial, single planet and caused most of the mass to be lost to the rest of the Solar System and interstellar space.
The problem with Asteroid Belt being the remnants of a destroyed planet is that its total mass is very small, very much less than the mass of the Moon, in fact. It's also very difficult to destroy a planet. A collision with a comet or the combined gravities of the Sun and Jupiter are unlikely to destroy a planet.
A collision with a comet would leave a large crater on a planet but would not release enough energy to destroy the planet. For example, the largest craters on the moon, which make up the "seas", are thought to have been caused by collisions with objects a few kilometres in size (about the same size as the solid nucleus of a comet). These impacts were large enough to leave craters hundreds of kilometres across and also to break through the solid crust of the moon and allow molten lava to flow up and create the dark basalt that we see, but clearly the moon was capable of surviving the impacts intact.
Likewise, the gravities of the Sun and Jupiter are too weak at the distance of the asteroid belt to destroy a planet, although they would influence the shape of its orbit if a planet were there. It is possible for gravity to destroy a planet or moon, if it passes within a distance known as the Roche Radius (or Roche Limit) of another body. The Roche Limit defines the distance from the centre of a planet or star within which a large, solid body would be torn apart by tidal forces. It is also impossible for a moon to form within this distance for the same reason. However,
the Roche Limit is a fairly small distance in astronomical terms, only a few times the radius of a planet, if that. For example the small particles which make up the rings of Saturn all lie within Saturn's Roche Limit. They may be material left over from the formation of Saturn, unable to form into a moon because they are too close to the planet.
Exploded Planet Hypothesis
The Exploded Planet Hypothesis (EPH) is a term used both in science and in the study of religion and myth. Whilst there may be a profound connection between these two fields of study, it is vitally important to make the distinction between the EPH of science and the EPH of religion and myth.
The EPH of Science
The scientific EPH is the theory that comets, asteroids and most meteorites originated in one or more planetary explosions in our solar system. This theory is the brainchild of the American astronomer Dr Tom Van Flandern, who has been accumulating an impressive array of evidence for it since the late-1970s. Dr Van Flandern is the author of numerous scientific papers on the EPH and of the book ‘Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets’, published by North Atlantic Books in 1993.
The EPH of Religion and Myth
The EPH of religion and myth proposes that the ancient religions of Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece were ‘exploded planet cults’, and that the modern religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are occulted forms of the same. Further, that ancient sages used myth as a vehicle to encode the ‘true story’ of the exploded planet, thus ensuring its transmission to posterity. The EPH of religion and myth is the brainchild of the English researcher Alan F. Alford, who first advocated the theory in his book ‘The Phoenix Solution’ (Hodder and Stoughton, 1998), and then clarified and expanded it considerably in his books ‘When The Gods Came Down (Hodder and Stoughton, 2000) and ‘The Atlantis Secret’ (Eridu Books, 2001).
As at 2001, the EPH of religion and myth remains a new and innovative theory, which has yet to be tested by independent academics. It has, however, passed with flying colours all of the tests Alan Alford has thrown at it, including the mysteries of the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek, Jewish and Christian religions, the entirety of Greek mysticism including, most notably, Plato’s story of Atlantis, and several other as yet unpublished studies including the Holy Grail, the Great Pyramid of Giza, and the sacred calendar of the Maya.
As a general rule, academia treats theories from outside its own ranks with great suspicion and changes its orthodoxy in accordance with Orphic time scales. Nevertheless, Alan Alford’s EPH has won support ‘in principle’ from two highly respected English academics, Michael Rice and Christopher Gill.
More Information about EPH is available at the Official Alan Alford Website
Exploded Planet
by Rich Anders
The asteroid belt, the moons, the rings of matter, the comets, the meteors, the twin planets Pluto and Charon, and the four gas planets are remnants of a huge planet that exploded.
Stars and planets form from clouds of dust and gas, which were created in supernova explosions. Centers of gravity within such clouds attract particles. Gas accumulates in the very center and eventually enough mass is accumulated to trigger the nuclear processes needed for a star to be born. Dust particles rotate around the newly formed star and coalesce into proto planets. To produce matter that constitutes planets heat, pressure and chemical processes are needed. Without these the formation of evolved matter is not possible.
To deal with the asteroid belt by itself cannot explain its composition or how it originated. Asteroids consist of 3 types of matter: nickel/iron as it exists in the center of planets, igneous rock as it exists in the depth of a planet and earth type rocks as they exist in the crust of a planet. This cannot be left over rocky matter from early times of the solar system that never successfully coalesced into a planet. Such matter must have evolved in a planet.
It is stipulated that the asteroid belt does not contain enough mass to account for a planet. This view assumes that the asteroid belt is all the matter left from the explosion of a planet. It does not take into account that the excessive force of a planet's explosion catapults its matter in all directions. The asteroid belt is matter, which was blown into the orbital plane of the planet and stayed there. The planet's other matter was scattered throughout the entire solar system.
It is argued that a collision with another cosmic body like a hit by a comet or meteor even several kilometers in size could not destroy a planet. It is cited that the moon shows signs of massive hits. The crust was broken and dark basalt flows show that the comet or meteor disappeared into the interior of the moon. The moon obviously did not explode. It is correct to assume that it was not a meteor or comet hit that caused the planet's explosion because all cosmic debris in the solar system originated in this event.
Excluding the possibility of a collision with another cosmic body there is only one possible explanation for the explosion of a planet: the explosion of a super volcano. Yellowstone is such a dormant super volcano. It is approximately 39 miles long. Science found out that it has a cycle of erupting approximately every 600,000 years. If there was a super volcano eruption on the planet with an explosive force big enough to initiate a chain reaction the ensuing catastrophe could indeed have torn the planet apart.
To account for cosmic bodies that originated in a planet's explosion we have to include the moons, the rings of matter, the meteors and the comets. We also have to take the gas planets and the twin planet Pluto-Charon into consideration. - It is commonly assumed that the moons, the asteroids, the rings of matter, the comets and the meteors are primordial matter, which did not coalesce into the sun or a planet. To find out how they really originated the composition of these cosmic bodies needs to be taken into consideration.
This brings us to the topic, which has caught public interest through the flights of the American space probes Voyager 1 and 2, which passed through the planetary system of the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Already when science obtained authentic data and samples from the Earth moon it was clear that theory and reality were two different things. But even farther away from reality than the former moon theories were sciences' theories regarding the origin and evolution of the planetary systems, the moons and the other cosmic objects existing in the Solar System.
From the inner core to its atmosphere a planet consists of a variety of matter, which is very different in its composition. To really find out what happened to the planet and to all of its matter investigating the asteroid belt is not enough. From the iron/nickel inner core to its gaseous atmosphere all remnants of this planet have to be found out and analyzed.
A planet possesses not only the gases of its atmosphere. Huge amounts of gases are trapped inside igneous rocks. When a volcano erupts the combination of heat and release of pressure frees much of those gases - the rocks gas out. This results in billowing clouds of gases and de-gassed stones called pumice. Part of this pumice falls back on the volcano. There it piles up as lose material supported by columns of igneous rock, which built up walls as it welled up from inside the volcano. Over time this porous pumice soaks up rainwater. When it gets so heavy that the supporting walls break a landslide ensues. This in turn causes an explosive eruption. This happened when Mt. St. Helens erupted. Such a scenario must have played out on a planet-wide scale on the planet that blew up.
The explosion of a super volcano triggered a chain reaction, which destroyed the entire planet. Two types of gases were catapulted into space: gases of the atmosphere and gases released from igneous rocks. But there is a third type of gas that has to be considered: hydrogen and helium as created in a creative explosion.
The beginning of the universe came from the explosion of something called a singularity, a dimensionless point into which all matter of the previous universe had collapsed. This explosion created hydrogen and to a lesser degree helium. From these gases eventually all matter in the universe evolved. But creation did not stop then.
Through various stages of evolution the production of hydrogen and helium can be observed. A very special place where such creation takes place are the centers of young galaxies. Like in the controlled explosion of a rocket ship's propulsion centers of young galaxies continuously emit huge clouds of hydrogen and helium. From these stars are formed and the evolution of matter is on its way. The explosion of supernovae creates dust, which coalesces to form the matter of planets.
4 gas planets orbit the solar system and their existence can be explained only as the remnants of the explosion of a huge planet. When a star system forms gases are contracted in its centers of gravity to form stars. Gas planets in orbits in the outer regions of a star system cannot be remnants from early times. Gas planets are young cosmic objects. Therefore, if the gas planets of the solar system originated from the explosion of a planet they must consist of consist of atmospheric gases, of gases as released when rocks are gassed out in a volcanic eruption or in a massive explosion and of hydrogen and helium as created in a creative explosion. The composition of the gas planets is known. Therefore, it should be easy to determine whether the above assumptions hold true.
Meteors and comets cannot date back to the origins of the solar system because they consist of evolved matter. There are three kinds of meteors just like asteroids. Comets consist of water ice and often they come with rocks in their core. - Water cannot form in the void of space. Water can only form on the surface of a planet with an atmosphere. Therefore, comets provide the most convincing argument in favor of a planet, which exploded within the solar system.
Meteors and comets are debris from the former planet's crust, which was blown by the explosion's force so far into space that they were not attracted by the distance forces of the newly formed gas planets. But the sun's gravity forces them to come back and they do so as cosmic wanderers in irregular orbits of their own.
Owing to their composition meteors return in their erratic orbits unless attracted by some planet's gravity. In contrast, comets are losing mass by evaporation when coming close to the Sun. Comets are gradually disintegrating. Therefore, they can look different when they return especially if they lost enough matter to break up as did the string of comets that hit the planet Jupiter several years ago or if they lost their content of water ice altogether. Then they come back as meteors or simply vanish.
Because of their very strong electromagnetic charge the planets Jupiter and Saturn attracted most of the non-gaseous matter of the former planet. The electromagnetic charges of the planets Uranus and Neptune were strong enough, as well, to attract such debris to incorporate it into planetary systems of their own as moons and rings of matter. Consequently, the moons and the rings of matter of the gas planets Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune are debris of solid and liquid matter from the planet that exploded.
When keeping the aforesaid in mind the various moons of the Solar System are no more an enigma; neither from their origin nor from their composition. The moons were parts of the former planet, differing among themselves according to which parts of the former planet constitute their matter. As for the moons of the planet Jupiter:
Ganymede is a former ocean, which took its islands and part of a continent along into space. Through the forces of gravity this moon has formed as a gigantic ball of water ice and rocks, which on account of their higher density and weight have settled predominately near the center of gravity. But there is enough solid matter present to partly reach this moons surface. Therefore, Ganymede looks like a child's marble with surface features in different colors of water ice and rock.
Similar to Ganymede Callisto is a former ocean but it contains only a small amount of rocks or no rocks at all and much sand. The masses of sand of the former ocean were thoroughly mixed with its waters by the force of the explosion blowing them out into space. Before all the sand could be pulled to the center of the newly formed moon by gravity its outer layers consisting still of a mixture of sand and water were frozen solid in the absolute zero temperature of space. Consequently, Callisto's surface consists of a mixture of sand and water ice.
If there were rocks they were pulled to the center of this moon by gravity. In between surface and the center there is probably a layer of almost pure water ice, which did not freeze fast enough to keep the sand or the rocks it was mixed with from being attracted by the center of gravity. Because of the peculiar composition of its matter this moon lacks the typical characteristics of the Earth moon. At the time of the formation of the outer crust meteors simply went through the thin crust and disappeared in the watery interior. Later meteors, which where already scarce, produced craters but these craters were filled in by the water ice plus sand mixture, which produced the wave like structures on Callisto's surface typical for sand dunes or waves. - Sand cannot form in space because it takes water action and an atmosphere to produce sand.
In contrast to the before mentioned moons Io consists of matter from deep inside the former planet. Accordingly, Io's matter shows the characteristics of matter as existing in planet's cores. This and the influences of gravity and radiation from Jupiter and the moon Europa are responsible for the extensive volcanic activity on the moon Io. While volcanoes on the Earth can produce huge amounts of water vapor clouds this is not the case on the moon Io, since its matter came from a planet's core and does not contain water vapor. Therefore, Io's volcanic system is kept going mainly by sulfurous gases and molten igneous rock. These are responsible for Io's typical colors whereas the volcanic activity accounts for the characteristic surface structures whose craters did not originate from meteor impacts but from volcanic activity.
The moon Europa originated from magma masses of the former planet. Under the influence of gravity these liquid magna masses contracted to a sphere and then formed a solid crust. This process set free huge amount of water vapor, which precipitated in frozen form on Europa's surface once it was formed producing its typical smooth appearance. The long cracks appeared in Europa's surface when its crust had already solidified while magma in its interior was still contracting as it was cooling down. This contraction caused the irregular long cracks and faults in Europa's otherwise smooth surface. Contrary to some other moons of Jupiter's planetary system Europa does not show craters. - When most of the meteors struck Europa's surface still was liquid and the traces of meteoric impacts simply disappeared. Meteor craters left from later hits are covered by precipitation of water vapor crystals.
The innermost moon Amalthea is a coherent piece of a former huge mountain range that was catapulted into space by the planet's explosion. This rock formation kept together because it consists of solid/rigid matter. Therefore, the moon Amalthea could not contract into a sphere under the influence of gravity in space as the aforementioned moons did and appears as what it is: cosmic debris telling of a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions.
The other cosmic bodies in orbit around Jupiter are smaller moons, which could be explained as to their origin and composition, as well. But this would give them undeserved prominence.
Another moon, which is special in the outer Solar System, is Titan in an orbit around the planet Saturn. Titan is the cosmic counterpart of Jupiter's moon Io. It also originated from the inner core of the former planet. Titan is so big that its matter has not cooled down completely. From the resulting volcanic activity originate the gases constituting Titan's atmosphere. - This atmosphere could form because Titan is far away from Saturn's strong gravitational pull and its own gravity is strong enough to keep it attached. This distinguishes Titan from Io whose gases expelled through volcanic activity cannot form an atmosphere, since its gravity is not strong enough to keep these gases attached to the surface.
The Earth moon is the most prominent one in the Solar System, not only because it is orbiting this world and already is quite well explored. The real significance of this moon is the fact that it is functioning as sort of a regulator, which is controlling many life forms in this world. Animal and plant research programs have shown the influence of radiation from this moon on living organisms. Biologic experiments have proven beyond any doubt that many organisms are depending in their life rhythms on the different intensity of the incoming radiation according to the moon phases.
The Earth moon obviously consists of core matter of the exploded planet. Round domes on the moon's surface indicate gases bubbling to the surface and not quite making it. Perfectly round craters are not craters from meteoric impacts but gas bubbles that surfaced and produced these perfectly round craters. Luminous effects in many craters indicate that gases are still surfacing.
Moon rocks brought back by several Nasa expeditions indicate a composition, which is very different from Earth rocks. This proves the theory wrong, which claims that the moon is a chunk of Earth matter expelled from the Pacific Ocean. Another remarkable feature is the concentration of meteoric craters mainly on one side. Had this cratering occurred over millions of years as assumed by science these craters would be evenly distributed over the moon's surface. The concentration of these craters on one side indicates a short period of intense meteoric impacts. This is plausible if one considers that the turmoil after the planet's explosion sent pieces of rocks hurling through space in large numbers hitting cosmic objects in their way.
A special case is the twin "planet" Pluto/Charon. The fact that these twins are close to each other in the same orbit precludes that they date back to the beginning of the solar system. Had this been the case all matter would have been subjected to the forces of gravity attracting them to the center of gravity in this cosmic location. A single planet would have formed.
These two cosmic chunks of matter are quite small, about the size of some moons of the gas planets. Very probably a big piece of the exploding planet's core was catapulted to the outermost regions of the solar systems and broke apart. Therefore, these twin "planets" have an irregular shape. A planet formed in this location would be round.
The above topic is dealt with in great detail in my book God's Ultimate Task- Re-Creating the Universe in a Positive Dimension, which is on sale in a number of Internet bookstores. This book presents the common ground between science and religion.
Anyone interested to comment is invited to send an e-mail to RichAnders@msn.com
© 2002 by Rich Anders
by Doug Yurchey
The Titius-Bode Law basically predicts the spacing of the planets or distances from the sun. The relationship was first theorized by Johann Titius in 1766 and was calculated as a mathematical progression by J.E. Bode in 1778.
Start with the following series of numbers:
0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384, 768
With the exception of the first two numbers, the others are twice the value of the preceding number.
Add 4 to each one: 4, 7, 10, 16, 28, 52, 100, 196, 388, 772
Then divide by 10: .4, .7, 1.0, 1.6, 2.8, 5.2, 10.0, 19.6, 38.8, 77.2
The astronomers of the 18th Century dubbed this progression a 'law.'
Generally, Bode's formula follows planetary distances from the sun:
MERCURY | 0 .39 | 0.4 |
VENUS | 0 .72 | 0 .7 |
EARTH | 1.0 | 1.0 |
MARS | 1.52 | 1.6 |
-asteroids- -- | -- | 2.8 |
JUPITER | 5.2 | 5.2 |
SATURN | 9.54 | 10.0 |
URANUS | 19.19 | 19.6 |
NEPTUNE | 30.1 | -- |
PLUTO | 39.5 | 38.8 |
PLANET X | -- | 77.2 |
The above chart compares real distances to Bode's Law and is worth study. The numbers are in Astronomical Units where 1 = 93 million miles. Mercury and Venus, less than one Astronomical Unit, are very close to the formula. Mars is close and large Jupiter exactly conforms to Bode. Saturn is very slightly off. Could the creation of the big ring have contributed to throwing Saturn just off from its perfect placement in the progression?
Hundreds of years ago, astronomical scientists searched for the missing planet in the gap between the inner and outer planets; at the 2.8 Astronomical Unit distance. In 1801, Ceres was discovered at the 2.8 distance and thought to be the Bodian planet. But, Ceres was small and irregular. In 1802, Pallas was discovered at the same distance. Then, Juno in 1804 and Vesta in 1807 were found to be rough planetoids at the 2.8 distance. Later, numerous smaller objects were discovered and now thousands are known to compose the Asteroid Belt. Asteroids are not all over the solar system; they are primarily in the gap between Mars and Jupiter. This is consistent with a planet that has exploded! Ceres, with a diameter of 933 kilometers, is the largest fragment.
Bode' law was accepted as factual until the discovery of Nepture in 1846.
The old law was discarded and still has not been successfully resurrected as a valid rule. What if Neptune is the exception? Check the chart and eliminate Neptune: The result is PLUTO basically fits the pattern! No one has noticed this.
This quaint quasi-law, from the 18th Century, may be a factor if a large Planet 10 is discovered at a 7 billion mile distance from the sun. {Let this writer PREDICT here and now that a 'large' - true planet will be found one day at 7 billion miles distance}.
Bode's Law works for particular planets and their satellite systems. For example, Uranus' satellites: Miranda; Ariel; Umbriel; Titania and Oberon also are positioned in the Bode's Law Progression away from their center-planet.
There have been objects recently observed and generally studied in the Kuiper Belt; that is the area beyond Pluto and 1/5 of the way to the next star. This dark and cold region has barely been investigated. KBOs or Kuiper Belt Objects have been discovered at Caltech, in California. Astronomers have unofficially named the new object QUAOAR (kwah-o-ar). It is more than half the size of Pluto at 780 miles in diameter with a year of 288 Earth years. At 4 billion miles from the sun, Quaoar is the most distant object in our solar system to have been photographed by an optical telescope. {When this writer first saw on the news that the supposed Planet 10 was discovered, its distance was checked to the next Bode's Law Position}. Small Quaoar does not fit the old law.
Hundreds of relatively small objects have been identified in the Kuiper Belt. The record holder, before Quaoar, was an object called Varuna; 40% of the size of Pluto or 560 miles. The new Caltech discovery is larger than Pluto's Moon Charon at 745 miles. Another KBO is Ixion that is the size of Charon. These bodies are not true planets. Concerning Quaoar: 'Its discovery raises the prospects that yet another object as big or perhaps larger than Pluto might lurk out there.'
A huge planet, larger than Jupiter, going around our sun, is probably far beyond the orbit of Pluto. The outer planets unexpectedly move; being influenced by this undiscovered mass. When the large Planet 10 is discovered...do not be surprised if it is 7 billion miles from the sun or in the next Bode Position after Pluto.
So what? What does this mean? There is an artificialness to cosmic bodies and cosmic situations. {I have written about the unnaturalness of Venus and the myth of the Moon's 'gravity-lock'}. THE PLANETS WERE NOT STREWN IN CHAOTIC RANDOMNESS....RATHER, THEY WERE ORIGINALLY PLACED IN PERFECT ORDER.
Who did this? Who placed the planets there? - Some god; some alien; Slartybartfast; some superangel? Is this Order another example of Life in the solar system like the Face of Mars? After existing for so long, the planets surely have gone through more than a few violent changes. Some titanic upheavals were due to unnatural, planetary wars. The original Bode positions could have altered over the course of time via artificial means. The planet Mars may have gotten its legendary name: God of War because the Martians pulverized its neighbor; the 5th Planet; the one in the gap. Could the cataclysmic event that created the Asteroid Belt have been an act of war?
Unnaturalness may be the way of the galaxy or a universal law. This also could apply to the human race. Maybe people are not the natural result of millions of years of evolution. What if we were manufactured? Could our primal genesis have been a mass CLONING?
© 2002 by Doug Yurchey
© 2004 by Doug Yurchey
Press Association
Monday, March 15, 2004
The 'discovery of the most distant object ever detected orbiting the sun' was made by Dr. Michael Brown; associate professor at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. The object has been named 'Sedna.' after the Inuit goddess of the ocean. The new planet is approximately 1250 miles in diameter. The last time a true planet was found in our solar system; it was 74 years ago. Pluto, with a diameter of 1400 miles, was discovered way back in 1930.
Planet X, the 10th planet, has long been a controversial and highly debated subject. Many smaller bodies do orbit the sun in this dark, cold region of space known as the Kuiper Belt. What celestial bodies can be classified as true planets? Sedna is the most distant planet known going around the sun. Its size is nearly identical to Pluto. The question whether or not the new discovery is a real planet will be argued; although, Sedna qualifies as the 10th planet!
This writer is very excited to know the DISTANCE of Planet X. How far away is Sedna; the 10th planet? An article of mine, dated October 20, 2002, was posted on the Internet. Above is that article (BODE'S LAW and KBOs ), posted on the World-Mysteries.com and the Farshores web-site, where I made a prediction: When the next planet will be discovered, it will be 7 billion miles away from the sun!
The article concerns a quaint, old formula once used by astronomers to mathematically illustrate the progression of each planet out from the sun. Bode's Law was used as a real relationship and was instrumental in the discovery of the Asteroid Belt at the 2.8 A.U. position. Readers can check the planetary orbital positions and compare them to the positions of Bode's progression. The real positions closely correspond to the mathematical formula.
Bode's Law was discarded with the discovery of Neptune in 1846. The Truth is...Pluto still conforms to Bode's progression! This writer theorized, in that October 2002 article, that when the trans-Plutonian planet was found...it will also conform to Bode's Law and orbit at a distance of 7 billion miles! The exact wording from the article, written in red, is below:
'Let this writer PREDICT here and now that a 'large' true planet will be found one day at 7 billion miles distance.'
That day is today; the Ides of March, 2004. My prediction came true! The Press Association reported that Sedna is 6.2 billion miles distant. A report by Andrew Bridges, printed in the Times, said of Sedna: 'It is a frozen world more than 8 billion miles from the Earth.'
Reports from various countries; from various astronomers will surely differ in their details. The first two sources of information that this writer downloaded off the Internet were a distance of 6.2 billion miles and 8 billion miles. Taking an average of the two, the bottom line is 7 billion miles. Now, check the article from October of 2002; exactly as I predicted.
This was not done with a dowsing rod or Ouija board. It was simply a belief in the basic premise of Bode's Law. (Don't always believe what they tell you to believe and don't always dismiss what they want you to dismiss). If you took the planet Neptune and placed it where the Asteroid Belt is...there would then be a nearly perfect progression of planets out from the sun.
What does this mean that the new discovery of Sedna conforms to Bode's Law? It means there IS something to the Titius-Bode Law; first thought of by Johann Titius in 1766 and later mathematically calculated by J.E. Bode 1778. Sedna as a Bodian planet means that the Asteroid Belt was once a planet. Ceres, Vesta and many thousands of irregular bodies are merely fragments of a planet that once orbited the sun at 2.8. Astronomical Units; at Bode's distance. (Did a Tesla-based oscillation device shatter the 5th planet in the distant past?)
This new planet, fitting in with Bode, simply means there is ORDER in the solar system. There may be a perfect PLAN for the universe. The world might not be chaotic. Things do not just occur randomly or happen naturally. Certainly, many things do not originate from random accidents. Originally, SOMEONE placed the planets in their perfect-mathematical, orbital positions!
Let this writer PREDICT here and now that one day ANOTHER planet will be discovered beyond Sedna at the very next Bode's Law position. (Let's take Bode out to the next distance in the progression: We double 768 which equals 1536; add 4 = 1540 and divide by 10 equals 154 Astronomical Units. 154 times 93 million miles and the final answer is 14.3 billion miles. The next planet beyond Sedna in Bode's progression should be 14+ billion miles distant.) I predict that the next true planet beyond Sedna will not only be the farthest object orbiting the sun; it will also be the LARGEST planet known. This theorized giant will be larger than Jupiter. (I'll name it 'Caesar' after today's publicized discovery).
Another interesting concept for the artronomers tracking Sedna: See if the new planet would have aligned in the Grand Alignment that occurred some years ago; when the planets created a large, straight line in space. Sedna, and other planets at the far end of the solar system, could also have fallen in line with the rest of the planets. Tracing its path back in time should answer that question.
There is incredible ORDER, perfection and precision in the universe. On many occasions, what we have accepted as NATURAL; are really the physical results from great acts by great intelligences.
© 2004 by Doug Yurchey