The Talisman is an object marked with magic signs and is believed to give its bearer supernatural powers and/or protection. Virtually every religion in human history has offered as adherents small decorative objects intended for good luck, protection from harm, success and healing.
Talismans and Amunlets - Introduction
A Talisman is a small amulet* or other object, often bearing magical symbols, worn for protection against evil spirits or the supernatural.
*An amulet ( [Pliny], meaning "an object that protects a person from trouble"), a close cousin of the talisman (from Arabic tilasm, ultimately from Greek telesma or from the Greek word "talein" which means "to initiate into the mysteries") consists of any object intended to bring good luck and/or protection to its owner. Potential amulets include: gems or simple stones, statues, coins, drawings, pendants, rings, plants, animals, etc.; even words said in certain occasions—for example: vade retro satana—(Latin, "go back, Satan"), to repel evil or bad luck.
Amulets and talismans vary considerably according to their time and place of origin. In many societies, religious objects serve as amulets. A religious amulet might be the figure of a certain god or simply some symbol representing the deity (such as the cross for Christians or the "eye of Horus" for the ancient Egyptians).
In Thailand one can commonly see people with more than one Buddha hanging from their necks; in Bolivia and some places in Argentina the god Ekeko furnishes a standard amulet, to whom one should offer at least one banknote to obtain fortune and welfare.
Every zodiacal sign corresponds to a gem that acts as an amulet, but these stones vary according to different traditions.
Birthstone, any of various gems associated with the particular calendar: Astrology and Alchemy Basics
The image above illustrates the basic principle behind creation of a natal chart. In this example, only inner planets are shown. The appearance of the zodiac constellations is not affected by the annual motion of earth because they are very, very far. Note: The image is not to scale. Enlarge this picture.
An ancient tradition in China involves capturing a cricket alive and keeping it in an osier box to attract good luck (this tradition extended to the Philippines). Chinese may also spread coins on the floor to attract money; rice also has a reputation as a carrier of good fortune.
Turtles and cactus can cause controversy, for while some people consider them beneficial, others think they delay everything in the house.
In Afro-Caribbean syncretic religions like Voodoo, Umbanda, Quimbanda and Santería, drawings are also used as amulets, such as with the veves of Voodoo; these religions also take into account the colour of the candles they light, because each colour features a different effect of attraction or repulsion.
Perfumes and essences (like incense, myrrh, etc.) also serve the purposes of attraction or repulsion. Popular legends often attributed magical powers to certain unusual objects, such as a baby's caul or a rabbit's foot; possession of these items allegedly endowed their magical abilities upon their owners.
In Central Europe, people believed garlic kept vampires away, and so did a crucifix.
The ancient Egyptians had many amulets for different occasions and needs, often with the figure of a god or the "ankh" (the key of eternal life); the figure of the scarab god Khepri became a common amulet too and has now gained renewed fame around the Western world.
A Genuine Scarab beetle with a real Scarab beetle that was born and died naturally!!! The Scarab Beetle is one of the most common symbols in ancient Egyptian amulets and art works. The scarab beetle has a famous habit of rolling balls of dung into small holes in the ground, laying its eggs inside the balls so that the larvae could use them for food. When the dung was consumed and the young beetles came out the Egyptians considered it a "spontaneous creation" thus worshipping this beetle as the god "Khepera", meaning "The one who came forth" – the creator god Atum. In ancient Egypt they used to use amulets containing the beetle, placing them on the chests of mommies, close to the heart.
The winged Scarab beetle was to ensure a safe passage to the world of the gods, rebirth and good luck in both present and after life.
The Hebrew writing on the back of the pendant says "Amon Rah untill infinity" ("Amon Rah millyonei shanim", in Hebrew). This phrase, taken from the Egyptian tradition, symbolizes the belief in the eternality of the soul.
For the ancient Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons and Germans and currently for some Neopagan believers the rune Eoh (yew) protects against evil and witchcraft; a non-alphabetical rune representing Thor's hammer still offers protection against thieves in some places.
Deriving from the ancient Celts, the clover, if it has four leaves, symbolizes good luck (not the Irish shamrock, which symbolizes the Christian Trinity). In the Celtic tradition a bag made from a crane skin (called a crane bag) symbolized treasure,
a wheel symbolized the sun, a boat also was a sun symbol, but also a death symbol (to the land of the dead), the raven was a symbol of death, the head was a symbol of wisdom as was the acorn and a well.
Corals, horseshoes and lucky bamboo also allegedly make good amulets.
Figures of elephants are said to attract good luck and money if one offers banknotes to them.
The lucky elephant charm is a deliberate bit of cultural exoticism found in America and Europe. Historically linked to to the era of British colonialism in India, it entered popular culture folk-magic during the late 19th century and probably reached its apotheosis in the 1930s, when lucky elephant charms and knick-knacks were all the rage in the United States, Canada, and Europe.
The origins of the lucky elephant charm can be found in the Hindu religion of India. There, the god Ganesha, the elephant-headed son of Siva and Parvati, is worshipped as an opener of the way and luck-god. Ganesha has his own iconography in India, and his best-known symbol is the swastika, which was also popular as a luck-symbol in America, at least until the Nazis corrupted its referential connotations.
Source: http://www.luckymojo.com/elephant.html
In Arab countries a hand with an eye amid the palm and two thumbs (similar to a Hand of Fatima) serves as protection against evil.
In India and Tyrol, small bells make demons escape when they sound in the wind or when a door or window opens.
Amulets are also worn on the upper right arm to protect the person wearing it.
In fact this method was more popular in ancient India then wearing it as a pendant or around the neck.
Buddhism has a deep and ancient talismanic tradition. In the earliest days of Buddhism, just after the Buddha's death circa 485 B.C., amulets bearing the symbols of Buddhism were common. Symbols such as conch shells, the footprints of the Buddha, and others were commonly worn.
After about the 2nd century B.C., Greeks began carving actual images of the Buddha. These were hungrily acquired by native Buddhists in India, and the tradition spread.[1]
Another aspect of amulets connects with demonology and demonolatry; these systems consider an inverted cross (not an upward cross, which drives demons away) or pentagram in downward position as favorable to communicate with demons and to show friendship towards them.
During the tumultuous Plains Indians troubles in mid-19th century America, the Lakota Tribe adopted the Ghost Dance ritual, created by a Paiute Indian living in northwestern Oregon. Black Elk, the great Lakota Holy Man, received instructions on how to create a talismanic shirt that would protect the Lakota from the Greedy White Man's bullets. Tragically, the shirts failed to offer the Lakota any protection.
In addition to protection against supernatural powers, amulets are also used for protection against other people. For example, soldiers and those involved in other dangerous activities may use talismans to increase their luck. Carlist soldiers wore a medal of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the inscription ¡Detente bala! ("Stop, bullet!").
Amulets can be found among people of every nation and social status. They can be seen in jewellery, artisan fairs, museums, shops, and homes.
Hermetic talismans
The word talisman also describes a number of consecrated magical objects used in Hermeticism.
Instructions for how to create a talisman can be commonly found in Grimoires. These talismans, sometimes called pentacles, were usually either made to protect the wearer from various influences of disease and other forms of danger or to protect the wearer from demons and to seal a certain demon under the users control.
A common version of the later talisman is known as the Seal of Solomon. This became an extremely important talisman due to the legend that Solomon used demons to create Solomon's temple and was protected by a seal sent by God (although the earliest accounts describe this seal as a ring: see Testament of Solomon; later innovations were made by various ceremonial magicians and authors of other grimoires where they have described the seal as a ring.)
Talismans in the Abrahamic religions
Since the Middle Ages in Western culture pentagrams have had a reputation as amulets to attract money, love, etc; and to protect against envy, misfortune, and other disgraces. Other symbols, such as magic squares, angelic signatures and kabalistic signs have been employed to a variety of ends, both benign and malicious.
The Jewish tradition is quite fascinating; examples of Solomon era amulets exist in many museums. Due to proscription of idols, Jewish amulets emphasize text and names—the shape, material or color of an amulet makes no difference.
The Jewish tallis (Yiddish-Hebrew form; plural is talleisim), the prayer shawl with fringed corners and knotted tassels at each corner, is perhaps one of the world's oldest and most used talismanic objects. Originally intended to distinguish the Jews from pagans, as well as to remind them of God and Heaven, the prayer shawl is considered fascinating because of its name: it is very close to the term "talisman."
A crucifix, considered in Christian tradition
as a defense against demons.
In antiquity and the Middle Ages, most Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Orient believed in the protective and healing power of amulets and talismans. Talismans used by these peoples can be broken down into three main categories. The first are the types carried or worn on the body. The second version of a talisman is one which is hung upon or above the bed of an infirm person. The last classification of talisman is one with medicinal qualities. This latter category of magical item can be further divided into external and internal. In the former, one could, for example, place a magical amulet in a bath. The power of the amulet would be understood to be transmitted to the water, and thus to the bather. In the latter, magical inscriptions would be written or inscribed onto food, which was then boiled. The resulting broth, when consumed, would transfer the healing and magical qualities engraved on the food into the consumer.
There is also evidence that Jews, Christians, and Muslims used their holy books in a talisman-like manner in grave situations. For example, a bed-ridden and seriously ill person would have a holy book placed under part of the bed or cushion.[5]
Christian authorities have always been wary of amulets and other talismans. However, the legitimate use of sacramentals, as long as one has the proper disposition, is practically encouraged in traditional Christianity. For example, the crucifix is considered a powerful apotropiac against demons and fallen spirits, and rosaries or St. Christopher medals are frequently hung on rear-view mirrors of vehicles.
A little-known but well-worn amulet in the Jewish tradition is the kimiyah or "angel text". This consists of names of angels or Torah passages written on parchment squares by rabbinical scribes. The parchment is then placed in an ornate silver case and worn someplace on the body.[6] Muslims also wear such amulets, called Ta'wiz, with chosen text from Quran. The text is generally chosen depending on the situation for which the amulet is intended. Generally however, usage of amulets and other talismans is considered superstitious among more radical Muslims.
The similarities between Jewish and Buddhist amulet traditions is striking.
The Christian Copts sometimes use tattoos as protective amulets, and the Tuareg still use them, as do the Haida Canadian aborigines, who wear the totem of their clan tattooed. Many Thai Buddhist laypeople are tattoed with sacred Buddhist images, called sak yant (Thai: สักยันต์), and even monks are known to practice this form of spiritual protection. The only rule, as with Jewish talismans and amulets, is that such symbols may only be applied to the upper part of the body, between the bottom of the neck and the waistline.
Source: www.wikipedia.com
The male bird headed being looks much like the Egyptian God Horus - resurrection and rebirth. The female with wings speaks the alchemy of consciousness. The amulets above were found in an ancient burial tomb in close proximity to an ancient pyramid located in the Mississippi River Valley. According to legend, this was the burial tomb of a High Priest and Priestess who inhabited that ancient city well over 30,000 years ago. They were laid to rest together so they might share the same union in the after world that they shared on the Earth plane. The strength of their union and concurrent time of death was indicated by the symbolic placement of their hands, one holding the other's.
Talismans and Lucky Charms
Our journey on planet Earth is all about personal power and freedom... to struggle past anything that controls your 'free will'.
Some people are able to manifest that power on their own, while others, through the history of humanity, have placed that power into inanimate objects - the choice of those objects based on the folklore of their timelines. Much of this folklore is about the supernatural . . . Magik . . . Magic . . . that which is more than what we can do with our physical bodies. . . higher forces linked to creation/god/source of power.
Some objects carry energy, such as crystals and certain precious metals. By placing one's energies into the object it could work as an amplifier for one's personal power. The object and the person can work together in a manner of speaking.
Talismans - and some amulets - are charms which allegedly have magical empowering abilities or power of their own which is transmitted to their possessors. They are used to attract good luck and to ward off evil. These include religious items.
In our timeline we work with healing our issues, especially the lower frequency emotions; fear, anger, self-sabotage, psychological disorders, to restore us to higher frequency. In so doing we release the third dimension and its physical objects and move back into our natural state as spirit where these lower emotions do not exist as they do not vibrate as lower/ slower moving frequencies.
When one comes into their own power, they tend to realize that they alone create the luck and can protect themselves from negative frequencies/forces. Once a person vibrates to a higher frequency, letting go of lower emotions that hurt themselves and others, there is no longer a need for physical objects to do their bidding.
Usually the function of talismans is to make possible powerful transformations which the person would not feel empowered to do without it. A talisman can initially be used then later set aside.
There is a long tradition throughout history of talismans made by alchemists, shamans, witches, priests, etc. and sold - or given to the public.
In Magic talismans supposedly can be endowed with its supernatural power only by the forces of nature, by god or the gods, or by being made so in a ritualistic way.
Among talismans are precious stones for they each possess their own magical or curative powers endowed by nature.
Talismans can be any object, design, or symbol believed to be endowed with magical powers. The item is active in that it, and of itself, bestows this magical power upon the one who possesses it at the time.
The Egyptians and Babylonians used talismans when attempting to alter the forces of nature. In the Middle Ages, holy relics and other objects assumed the value of talismans in attempts to cure illnesses. Some thieves converted severed hands of thieves into talismans to assist them in their trade.
Alchemical charms were worn by kings and queens, popes and bishops, merchants and diplomats. Less expensive amulets, usually made by witches, were worn or hung in the house by nearly everybody else. The most common amulets were those that protected against violence, plague, theft and bad luck.
In ancient African culture, the carrying of an animal's foot, or other parts of a swift creature were supposed to help a person be able to escape or flee with the speed of the animal. This 'lucky rabbits foot' charm was handed down and assimilated into our culture by the enslaved Africans who were brought to the New World. Also borrowed from centuries of African Voodoo ceremonies is a Mojo or luck bag could carry many lucky objects or a spell meant to cause a particular effect. The idea is that certain items (spices, teeth, feathers etc,) placed in a bag and blessed or ³charged² will produce a magical effect for the person who carries it. Mojo bags are still popular today as many advertisements in magazines and on web sites promote their use and distribution.
Many alchemists sought the assistance of talismans which they made in elaborate ceremonies which were conducted during periods of auspicious astrological signs. During these rituals they recited incantation to conjure the desired spirits who imbued the talismans with magical power.
The talisman most sought after was the elusive Philosopher's Stone, which the alchemists thought would transform base metals into silver and gold.
In modern times, many lucky charms and talismans have been adopted and utilized.
Anything that you consider brings you luck . . or protects you . . . is a talisman.
Ancient ceremonial practices are still performed in most parts of the planet and involved talismans.
During the early 20th century when many Irish Catholic men became Police officers in New York City, many started carrying a medal of St.Jude, along with their callbox key for protection, as St. Jude is considered to be the patron saint of policemen.
Many Catholics continue to believe that certain holy medals (especially blessed ones) will aid those who wear them, particularly St. Christopher, who is the patron saint of travelers.
Although crosses are not employed as a deflector for vampires today, at most Catholic funerals many attendees have crucifixes around their necks that don¹t usually wear one as everyday jewelry.
On a less religious, although team spiritual level, some ballplayers swear by a pair of 'lucky socks' and hesitate to wash them during an important series for fear that they will lose power.
Although science has defeated superstition on many levels, we can't help but pick up the penny lying in the street or smile when we come across a four-leaf clover.
Astrological Talismans & Amulets
Magicians affirm that Images, Seals & Rings Being Opportunely Framed under a Certain Constellation... some Wonderful Thing may be Received.
Talisman comes from the Greek telesma meaning consecrated or sacred object. Amulet comes from the Latin amuletum and refers more narrowly to objects with an apotropaic or protective function. The key to astrological talismans and amulets is the timing of their creation which is determined by electional astrology. Unless talismans are created at an astrologically auspicious time as well as being ritually consecrated they are nothing more than jewelry with astrological designs, lacking any magical or spiritual charge.
Talismans represent the logical extension of a spiritual world view and have been a part of Western culture for thousands of years. Renaissance Magi like Marsilio Ficino and Cornelius Agrippa saw the entire Cosmos as one great, interconnected Being, a system based on intricate harmony, sympathy and correspondence, both spiritual and material. Astrology, Alchemy and Magic were seen as the preparatory studies for Hermetic Gnosis, a practical way of experiencing the unity of the Cosmos.
Astrologer from the Shepherd's Kalender
The Renaissance Astrology website provides resources for both students and practitioners of authentic medieval and Renaissance astrological magic. All of the information on the website has been carefully researched from authentic traditional sources and meticulously cited for further reading and study. Those who find their interest piqued and wish to go beyond simply studying this fascinating area, can obtain talismans created exactly according to the traditional sources or learn how to create talismans for themselves in accordance with the ancient Western esoteric system.
"[It] renders him that wears it to be renowned, amiable, acceptable, potent in all his works, and equals a man to Kings, and Princes, elevating him to high fortunes, enabling to do whatsoever he pleaseth:..."
All in all the talismans are a wonderful example of the magical power of numbers and symbols, practical exemplars of the harmony and interconnections of all things in the Cosmos.
- http://www.renaissanceastrology.com/silversuntalisman.html
- http://www.renaissanceastrology.com/astrologicaltalisman.html
by Francis Barrett, F.R.C., 1801
In these twenty eight Mansions do lie hid many secrets of the wisdom of the antients, by the which they wrought wonders on all things which are under the circle of the Moon....
The Magus
Francis Barrett
The Magus by Frances Barrett was published in London in 1801. It consists primarily of material found in the Three Books of Occult Philosophy of Cornelius Agrippa and the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy also attributed to Agrippa. The following excerpt conforms to Book II, Chapter 33 of Three Books of Occult Philosophy with only minor changes in spelling, capitalization and syntax.
by Francis Barrett, F.R.C., 1801
Book Two, Chapter 33
Book Two, Chapter 33 Page 153
Of the twenty eight Mansions of the Moon, and their virtues.
And seeing the Moon measures the whole Zodiac in the space of twenty eight days, hence is it that the wise men of the Indians and most of the antient astrologers have granted twenty eight Mansions to the Moon, which being fixed in the eight sphere, do enjoy (as Alpharus says) divers names and proprieties from the various signs and stars which are contained in them, through which while the Moon wanders, it obtains other and other powers and virtues; but every one of these mansions, according to the opinion of Abraham, contained twelve degrees, and fifty one minutes, and almost twenty six seconds, whose names and also their beginnings in the Zodiac of the eight sphere, are these.
Page 154
And in these twenty eight Mansions do lie hid many secrets of the wisdom of the antients, by the which they wrought wonders on all things which are under the circle of the Moon; and they attributed to every Mansion his resemblances, images, and seals, and his president intelligences, and worked by the virtue of them after different manners.
Types of Astrological Talismans & Amulets
The key to the construction of an astrological talisman lies in the choice of the astrological factor or factors whose energy or spirit the mage wishes to capture. In traditional Western astrological magic this choice appears to have been task oriented. The client or the mage himself wishes to accomplish a particular result, love, money, success, any of a myriad of possibilities. The mage then selects the most appropriate astrological factor typically choosing either a planet, fixed star, Mansion of the Moon or house based talisman.
The mage must consider the current state of the Heavens for not all talismans can be made at any particular time. The mage may also, depending on the circumstances, consider the birth chart of the client or subject of the talisman, a horary chart or even the chart of a city or country, in choosing the talisman and the time for its creation. The astrological magician, therefore, must have a good working knowledge of the theory and practice of traditional Electional Astrology. Using the principles of electional astrology, the mage chooses a time when the particular astrological factor is strong and appropriately placed.
Once an appropriate time is chosen, the mage gathers the materials from which the talisman will be made. Each planet, for example, is associated with a certain metal. As the chosen time the mage creates the talisman. My talismans are all cast from precious metals, but talismans can also be stamped, inscribed or engraven and made in metal, gems, or even on paper or parchment. The effect of gemstone and metal talismans is longer lasting, for as the Renaissance philosopher Marsilio Ficino observes, "gems and metals, though they seem too hard for accepting a celestial influence, nevertheless retain it longer if they receive it." Three Books on Life, Book III, chapter 14. Once again the key is that the talisman must receive its form at the elected time if it is to be efficacious.
After making the talisman with the appropriate signs, sigils, characters, images and designs, as set forth at length in our traditional sources, the mage then consecrates the talisman in a magical ceremony. In one sense this can be seen as charging the talisman with the energy of the chosen astrological factor. At the same time, the consecration can also be seen as the invocation of the spirit ruling or animating the chosen astrological factor who then inhabits or infuses the talisman with its particular powers. The talisman is then worn by the user or placed in a location where the mage wishes the effects of the talisman to manifest.
Talismans and sacred geometry
Very often the talismans symbols are taken out of sacred geometry. The term "sacred geometry" is used by archaeologists, anthropologists, and geometricians to encompass the religious, philosophical and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up around. It is a term covering Pythagorean geometry and neo-Platonic geometry. Sacred geometry is often referred to as a language of G-d. Sacred geometry symbols are a means of bringing subtle, inner realities to a focus in outward expression. Within the fundamental unity of consciousness, certain symbols, such as the lotus lifting itself in purity above the muddy water, possess universal relevance and power.
Jewish and Kabbalah Talismans
Star of David
The name David in ancient Hebrew (during the time of King David) is made up of three letters "Dalet", "Vav" and "Dalet". The letter Dalet in ancient Hebrew is actually a triangle. King David used the six pointed star as his signature (the two triangles of his name). The middle letter "Vav" means six - The six pointed star.
The six-points symbolize that God rules over the universe and protects us from all six directions: North, South, East, West, Up and Down. King David used this symbol in the battlefield on his shield as an omen from God.
The Hamsa is known as the hand of Miriam or Hamesh hand. The Hamsa serves as an ancient talismanic way of averting the evil eye and providing a "protecting hand" or "Hand of God". The Hamsa often appears in stylized form, as a hand with three fingers raised, and sometimes with two thumbs arranged symmetrically.
Five metals ring
According to the ancient kabalistic text, the secret of the five metals ring success is that at the specific time of the creation of the ring with these five metals, Jupiter's influence is summoned forth. Jupiter is the star of development and expansion, and success is at it's strongest at the specific time of the ring's creation. The layer on the top of the five metals ring is pure gold. Below it there is a layer of lead and tin, and the last layer is copper, while the ring itself is made out of silver.
Tree of life
The Tree of Life is one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The structure of the Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah. The Tree of Life is explained in Sefer Yetzira ("Book of Creation"). The book explains the creation as a process involving the 10 divine numbers (sefirot) of God the Creator and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The 10 sefirot together with the 22 letters constitute the "32 paths of secret wisdom".
Ancient Egyptian Talismans
Scarab beetle
The young scarab beetles emerged spontaneously from the burrow they were born in. Therefore they were worshipped as "Khepera", which means "the one who came forth". The scarab-beetle god Khepera was believed to push the setting sun along the sky in the same manner as the beetle with his ball of dung. In many artifacts, the scarab is depicted pushing the sun along its course in the sky.
The Ankh is a symbolic representation of both Physical and Eternal life. It is known as the original cross, which is a powerful symbol that was first created in Ancient Egypt.
Ankh is typically associated with material things such as water, air, sun, as well as with the Gods, who are frequently pictured carrying an Ankh.
Heart In Egyptian history, the heart replaced the heart which was removed during mummification. Sometimes assimilated to the Bennu, "Soul of Râ", it brings the protection of both Osiris and Râ.
Other Egyptian talismans
Buckle or Knot of Isis, Djed, Ba, Two Fingers and Udjat or Eye of Horus.
Christian Talismans
The cross
The cross of Christianity was a symbol of the faith. It was previously considered a pagan symbol, with several early church fathers objecting to its use. The cross represents Christ's victory over death and sin, since it is believed that through His death he conquered death itself.
The fish's first known use as a Christian religious symbol was sometime within the first three centuries AD. Christians began using the Greek word for "fish" as an acronym for "Jesus Christ God's Son, Savior". Followers of Christianity were called Pisciculi; the root of this Latin word is "fish".
Buddhist Talismans
Buddha Buddha images provide a reassuring reminder of the basic tenets of Buddhist religion. Just as Buddhist religion is practiced in many different ways, the Buddhist image also serves a wide variety of ritual purposes and has different meanings for different people. Buddha can be invested with a huge amount of information, meaning and implication; they evolve and they are given life. The Buddha image cast in the human form gives it a value presented as calm, still and serene.
Mandalas The Tibetans create their beautiful Mandalas from colored sand and if you'll take a metal plate and cover it with sand and make it vibrate with different sounds, you will be able to see different structures that are formed in the sand, that are very similar to the sand Mandalas. In the end, after a few weeks when the Mandalas is finished, they simply wipe the sand off Mandalas to show the non-attachment to the illusion of the external, and also to show the constant change and the process of life and death that takes place in the external world of illusion.
OM Om is the most sacred syllable in Hinduism, first coming to light in the Vedic Tradition. The syllable is sometimes referred to as the "Udgitha" or "pranava mantra". The symbol of Om contains three curves, one semicircle and a dot. The large lower curve symbolizes the waking state; the upper curve denotes deep sleep (or the unconscious) state, and the lower curve (which lies between deep sleep and the waking state) signifies the dream state.
Tibetan Knot
The Tibetan knot (Srivatsa or the endless knot) is one of the eight symbols of the Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan knot can stand for karmic consequences: pull here, something happens over there. It is an apt symbol for the Vajrayana methods: Often when we tug at one part of a knot while trying to loosen it, another part becomes tighter. You have to work with the knot to enable it to come undone. In its endless configuration, it evokes the cyclic nature of rebirth and also calls karmic connections to mind.
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Tibetan knot - silver | Tibetan knot ring - silver |