The Remote Viewing
What is Remote Viewing?
Remote viewing (RV) is a skill by which a person (a "viewer") can perceive objects, persons, or events at a location removed from him or her by either space or time. In other words, one does not actually have to be there, nor does one need any so-called "physical" connections, such as television, telephone, etc., to gain information about the target. RV exploits and improves upon what is more commonly called "psychic" ability (an overused word that has accrued unfortunate connotations), and works whether the target is in the next room or on the other side of the planet. Neither time nor any known type of shielding can prevent a properly-trained remote viewer from gaining access to the desired target.
What Remote Viewing is Not
Remote viewing is not "being psychic" in the way commonly understood by the media and many practitioners of "paranormal" arts—though thanks to recent incomplete or inaccurate reports many have been led to believe otherwise. Remote viewers are not the typical "clairvoyants," "fortune tellers," or "psychics" we often hear about on TV or read about in the papers. Many of these more traditional psychics often do have amazing talents and abilities, but there is a qualitative difference between the average "natural" psychic, and a properly-trained remote viewer.
Do you have to be "gifted" to learn RV?
One of the wonderful things about RV is that virtually anyone can learn to do it. Much like studying the piano or art, nearly all of us have the capability to acquire the techniques and put them into practice. There are those who might not believe this. You often hear people say they can't learn to play the piano or even to "draw a straight line"—or to remote view—because they don't have "the talent." But what really gets in the way is almost always merely a simple a lack of time, motivation, or energy to devote to learning the principles and then practicing them enough to become proficient.
The bottom line is that, unless there is some sort of physical or mental handicap that prevents it, almost anyone can learn to play piano at least competently, can learn to draw aesthetically, and can learn to remote view reasonably effectively. It just takes desire, time, the right teacher, and the belief that it is at least possible.
How well does it work?
Lately, we've heard two extreme claims about remote viewing. One says that it doesn't work. The other says it works all the time. The truth is really in between—although closer to the positive end of the scale. After long practice, experienced viewers can access a target nearly one hundred percent of the time. This does not mean their data is 100% accurate, nor does it necessarily mean they get all the data they were looking for. All it means is that they retrieve information indicating that they were "there." However, these experienced viewers regularly obtain extremely accurate, often error-free information from the target.
Even novice viewers may surprise themselves at the accuracy of some of their sessions. Though we anticipate beginners will perform less consistently than those who are more accomplished, we also expect them to frequently turn out commendable results.
© 1998-2002 paul h. smith
Source: http://www.rviewer.com/
A Brief Time Line of Remote Viewing History
by Paul H. Smith
reprinted from APERTURE, Vol. 1, No.2, 2002
This is only a brief chronology of events in remote viewing history. Many more details could be added, and many more names included. But this will serve as a starting place to record the major events and some of the important personalities in relation to one another. Certainly, important events and personalities remain to be added. This chronology will become more complete over time. If you wish to nominate an event to be considered for addition to the timeline please forward it to Timeline.
Readers should be aware that there are two parallel remote viewing timelines: the operational, military-run program at Ft. Meade, Maryland, and the civilian-led, military-funded research program in California. External civilian research and applications were also taking place. In the chronology below, the operational and military lines are intermingled with a few references to the RV-related activities in the civilian sector.
Copyright©2002 by Paul H. Smith. |
Paul H. Smith Biography
Paul H. Smith served for seven years in the government's remote viewing program at Ft. Meade, MD (from September 1983 to August 1990). During 1984, he became one of only a handful of government personnel to be personally trained as coordinate remote viewers by Ingo Swann at SRI-International. Paul was the primary author of the government RV program's CRV training manual, and served as theory instructor for new CRV trainee personnel, as well as recruiting officer and unit security officer. He is credited with over a thousand training and operational remote viewing sessions during his time with the unit at Ft. Meade.
Raised in Boulder City, Nevada, he enlisted in the Army in 1976 for Arabic training, attended Officer Candidate School, and was commissioned as a Military Intelligence officer. Besides his tour at Ft. Meade, his military assignments included Arabic linguist, electronic warfare operator, strategic intelligence officer for a special operations unit, Mid-East desk officer, tactical intelligence officer with the 101st Airborne Division during Desert Storm/Shield, strategic intelligence officer in the Collection Directorate of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and chief of the intelligence and security division for the Military District of Washington, from which he retired in 1996.
Paul has a BA from Brigham Young University in Mid-East Affairs, Art, and English; an MS from the Defense Intelligence College (Mid-East Concentration); and is enrolled in a Ph.D program in Philosophy, specializing in consciousness and philosophy of mind.
He or his work as a remote viewer have been featured on television programs such as the Arts & Entertainment Network's "The Unexplained," the History Channel's "History Undercover" series, "Strange Universe," "Inside Edition," and two documentaries on remote viewing produced for German television. He has also been a guest on Art Bell's "Coast to Coast" radio show and Jeff Rense's "Sightings on the Radio".
Besides serving as President of Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc., a company offering remote viewing training courses to individuals and small groups, he also works as a remote viewer and RV consultant, is a founding director of the International Remote Viewing Association, and serves as the organization's vice-president. Paul and RVIS, Inc. can be reached:
- by phone: (512) 255-6729
- by mail at: PO Box 1003, Round Rock, TX 78680
- Paul H. Smith's Curriculum Vitae