The Origin of Sacred Symbols and Row or Morris Games
by T.L. Subash Chandira Bose and Jack Andrews
Reprinted with permission.
In our mother earth millions of symbols were found in caves, rocks surfaces, clay tablets, temples, stone pillars, manuscripts, scrolls, and copper plates. These symbols were engraved/drawn by our ancient people of different cultures. These symbols were drew the attention of the researchers and scholars may be around 200 -300 years before. Due to unknown reason our knowledge to understand the hidden meaning of the symbols are inadequate due to lack of ancient records more over it appears the knowledge may be kept as secret by limited people for unknown reasons. The origin and its period also cannot be identified exactly due to lack of written script near or around the symbols. In order to decipher one has to imagine, assume the environment, life style of the ancient people, their culture and religion. The scholars and researchers are managed to assume the approximate periods to rounded figure of different ages of civilization of human beings. So it remains as a tough task for the researchers and scholars to decipher the ancient symbols.
There are some symbols with identical in shape and design, which were found at many places having different cultures and religions. Among those symbols, the symbol of three concentric oblongs found at Kalkalpen (01), and on rock surface and doorsteps of Holy of Holy in Tamil Nadu, India (02). The similar symbol was found on a clay sea during excavation work at Harappa. (03). A study on this particular symbol attracted the author, since a similar symbol (three concentric square) also found among the symbols in "Row or Morris Games" (04) it was also given title as a play board.
(1)Kalkalpen. (2) Tamil Nadu, India. (3)Harappa clay seal (4) Row or Mill Games - Morris
(2) Symbol found on doorsteps of Holy of Holy In Tamil Nadu.
These symbols can be easily observed on the doorstep of entry gates of towers and the doorstep of entry gates of the chambers of most holy of holy. In some cases these symbols were identified on the surface of rock or stone slabs in and around the temple complex. In Indian traditional culture the door step of entry gate, the most holy of holy considered to be most sacred place, even the door step of main entry door of the residential house considered to be most sacred one hence the entire door post and doors are decorated with sacred sign and symbols spotted red (and yellow color) Kumkum and Terminate paste. Since the doorsteps are considered to be most sacred place and the particular symbol mostly found on the doorsteps of holy of holy, the symbol must denote some sacred meaning.
Construction: The symbol with three concentric oblongs with vertical and horizontal lines appears to be certainly a geometrical pattern.
Period: Based on the clay seal found at Harappa we can conclude that the ancient people may know the knowledge of this symbol before 2000-2500 B.C.
Ancient ritual ceremony and Geometry
A sacred ritual ceremony to find the cardinal direction indicated in ancient manuscripts. Among those ancient manuscripts the Vishvakarmiam and Maymata are the oldest manuscript. Vishvakarma (Vishvakarmiam) said to the chief architect for Gods and Mayan (Maymata) said to be the architect for human beings
The ancient geometry may be originated and developed for finding the cardinal points with reference with sun. In the beginning our ancestors would have been initially intend to know sun's path to know the direction East and West. Later they found four directions East, South, West and North, then other sub directions Southeast, Southwest, Northwest and Northeast. In ancient time our ancestors considered this as a most sacred practice and strictly followed as ritual ceremony. Also a selected person called Sthapati (Architect) will perform this ancient practice. It appears the ancient geometry would have developed from this prime ritual practice. This ritual practice narrated in details in various ancient texts. Even though I am not intended to go in depth; the following few information is essential to understand the ancient geometry of finding the cardinal points.
Chapter 6 - Orientation, Maya Mata (05) describes the ancient geometrical method to find out the directions.
6.1-2a: Now I give the method of determining the cardinal points with the help of gnomon. (One should proceed) at sunrise during a month when the solar path is towards the north during a bright fortnight when sunrise is beautiful, when there are no spots in the solar disc and when the sun is in the asterism of the appropriate fortnight.
6.2b- 3a: First of all a piece of ground in the middle of the chosen site should be leveled by the water method; this must be square one square pole in the center in the center of which the gnomon should be set.
6.3b- 5: Herewith the dimensions of the gnomon (Sanku): the largest kind is one cubit long, its diameter at is one digit at the top and five at the bottom, it is perfectly circular and without irregularities; one of medium size (has a length of) eighteen digits and a small one a length of twelve or nine digits, their diameter at the top and bottom being (in all case) proportionate to their length.
6.6- 7a: The materials prescribed for the making the gnomon are as follows: Ivory, sandalwood, wood of khadira, kadara, sami, saka or tinduka or other hard wood; its tip should be perfectly circular.
6.7b- 8a: When the gnomon has been made it is set up in the chosen place at sunrise, then a circle is drawn of which the gnomon is the center and which the diameter is double the length of the gnomon.
6.8b-11a: The line which join the two points where the shadow (of gnomon) has touched the circle in morning (A) and in the evening (B), gives the east - west direction. The line which passes through the space between these two points and (which is like that which) connects the head and tail of a carp, is the north - south axis; the sage should draw these two lines, Then the circles which have their centers at the east and west points should be drawn.
6.11b- 13: (When the sun) is in Taurus or Virgo there is apaccya; when it is in Aries, Gemini, Leo or Libra the (east-west axis) must be put back two digits; when it is in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces it must be adjusted by four digits, when it is in Sagittarius or Aquarius (it must be adjusted) by six digits and when it is in Capricorn by eight digits. The east-west line is to be fixed after it has been moved to the right or to left of the shadow.
6.27: (The east=west line) should be established with adjustments of the following numbers of digits for each ten day period of each month: (Aries) two, one, zero, (Taurus) zero, one, two, (Gemini) two, three, four, (Cancer) four, three, two, (Leo) two, one, zero, (Virgo) zero, one, two, (Libra) two, three, four, (Scorpio) four, five, six, (Sagittarius) six, seven, eight, (Capricorn) eight, seven, six, (Aquarius) six, five, four, (Pisces) four, three, two.

The below diagram are the method to find cardinal points/directions.
The possibility of the origins of sacred symbols arrived based on ancient geometry of finding the cardinal points/directions. The first symbol with a vertical and horizontal lines forming a shape of a + (plus) cross was the first sacred symbol referring the four cardinal (E, S, W and N) directions. The symbols in Morris play game indicated in red. NB: In the group of symbols few symbols are repeated for reference purpose.
Conclusion: We request the readers, scholars and researchers to decide whether the symbols in Morris game are really meant for game or originated from ancient sacred ritual geometry?
01. "Morris on rock in the northern part of the Kalkalpen" by Franz Mandl
02. The Author's Collections of ancient sacred symbols,
03. Yantra -The tantric symbols of cosmic unity: Madhu Kanna, page-10,
04. Return to the Board Games Page Return to the Museum and Archive of Games Index Page. , 05.mayamata: Chapter-6, Orientation; translated by Bruno Dagens
Please contact: lacbose@eth.net
© T.L. Subash Chandira Bose.
Reprinted with permission.
The Vedas link the East and West
by Jack Andrews and T.L. Subash Chandira Bose
Reprinted with permission.
I live outside of Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. I have seen many rock picture writings in Arizona and some of them appear to be very unusual symbols that may have their writing origins in other lands. The symbol below at Palatki ruins is an amazing example of what looks like a Sanskrit "OM". I think that ancient ocean going peoples from India were completely capable of sailing to the North American continent. I wonder what their purpose was here in North America and I find the subject extremely interesting. Palatki has many strange mystical symbols painted on the rocks over the centuries by visitors and inhabitants of the area. Certain Native American tribes still use the location for spiritual ceremonies. Did an ancient travelers from India visit Palatki and meet with native inhabitants, experiencing the sacred nature of this special location, becoming so enthralled that they left this potent and powerful eastern spiritual symbol in red iron oxide pigment as a remembrance to the future, or a gift of spiritual awareness to the site in pictographic form? I have also been studying ancient myths and words used by the Pima people (native peoples) of Central and southern Arizona. I have read old Ethnology reports and many of the Pima words and myths seem to "crossover" with ancient words and myths from India. When I see the rock art symbols that Mr. T.L. Subash Chandira Bose has researched, I am amazed at the similarity of his photographed symbols to symbols I have seen here in Arizona, U.S.A., North America! I especially have seen the many concentric circle themes and spirals here in Arizona. Few months ago, I joined in the expedition and research team founded by P. Srinivasan adviser to "Pazankasu" with his team members Sthapati. V.Raman and T.L. Subash Chandira Bose, to begins our research work on our findings and shall come up with more amazing discoveries in near future.
The following added text is by Jayendra Upadhye: "The letter if at all Sanskrit is actually the Sanskrit "AUM" pronounced as "Om". But the triple syllable has been turned anticlockwise by 90 degrees. Sanskrit om or aum symbol in your jpg, [The photo in this article] the "half moon and dot in the top part of the "Om" have become straight lines. But the hooked features are still visible, though turned 90 deg clockwise." I had reached the same conclusion that the person using the "om" was either illiterate or had been a descendant of a person introduced to Sanskrit long before he was born. There is a possibility that the "om" was painted by a man who thought of it as a pictogram, and thus thought nothing of turning it around by 90 deg in any direction. Secondly if om is painted on a hide amulet and worn on the biceps (as was practice in India.. not regarding om but of tying amulets on the biceps), then the reader would see the on turned sideways, and may be over time associate a sideways written trisyllable as the "real" om. These were my thoughts after seeing the painting."The seed or root Mantra, the first sound of cosmic creation with pure vibration, the shabda -brahama in which the supreme himself can be found. This pure sound vibration if manifested as the "OM" mantra. "OM, AUM, UM, HUM, AMAN and AMEN" (all one and the same, varies due to pronunciation) is combination of three letters A, U, and M.
A Symbol found in Ica stone-Peru Similar like a host of
titans called Mandehas attempt to gobble up Surya.
(Thanks to Madam. Kathy Doore.)
The Purascharyarnava (taranga -10)There is a legend that at the period between night (ushas) and day (vyushti) known as sandhya, a host of titans called Mandehas attempt to gobble up Surya. They have a boon as a result of which they will they continue with their re-invigorated bodies although they die every day. Thus, each day of the year Surya has to battle with these titans. When the pious people on the earth offer arghya for Surya with the gayatri -hymn in the sandhya -ritual, the water thus offered will be transformed into the invincible Vajrayudha, which will help Surya burn up the titans. (Reference: "Navagraha-Kosha" Volume One- S.K. Ramachandra Rao)
In Dhyana sloka of Surya.Surya, with four heads; This form of Surya is distinguished by having four faces, with three eyes in each face, and eight arms holding in the hands magical weapon called khatvanga, two lotuses, discus, noose, goad, rosary and skull cup. He is seated with his consort. He is golden- complexioned, and finely decorated with jewels and necklaces of diamonds. (Reference: "Navagraha-Kosha" Volume One- S.K. Ramachandra Rao)
A symbol of Khatvanga found in Ica stone-Peru (Thanks to Madam. Kathy Doore.). And a Khatvanga in an ancient Inscription found at Tiruchirapalli, South India.
(The author's collection -left)
"A Stone amulet: Mr. Jaun Moricz, Argentine citizen by naturalization, born in Hungary, discovered objects of great cultural and historical value to mankind in the Province of Morona- Santiago, within the boundaries of the Republic of Ecuador" "The Gold of The Gods" Page, 11. Thanks to Mr. Erich Von Daniken.
Yajurveda - Book Twentyeight: "From his mind came Moon, and from his eyes came Sun, from his ears were born Vayu and Prana, and from his mouth was Agni born." "Mid -air was born from his navel, the sky was fashioned fourth from his head, earth from his feet, and quarters from his ears. Thus the world was formed."Rigveda-Book Tenth: The moon was born from his mind, the sun was born from his eyes, Indira and Agni were born from his mouth, and the wind from his breathe. From his navel came forth the air, the heaven was formed from his head, the earth from his feet, and the four directions from his ears. Thus were formed the world.
The links between the above ancient stone figure found in Peru, Ecuador with ancient Vedas and many ancient manuscripts of India is an eye opening to the world to realize that the people of our earth are interconnected and we are all of one human family. It is our hope that these discoveries of ancient symbols, places, ruins, and language similarities of ancient times between India and the north American continent, will continue to bring us all together in peace and we will see the wonderful connectedness of us all along with the cultural diversity that makes us all unique.
We will continue to search out and bring public, as yet undiscovered sites that will push forward this goal.